Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wedding / Manali

the bar

the drinking mens (unfortunally i was not allowed to go the the women side, they was also drinking)

waitress nr 1

waitress nr 2 (he gave us 2 bottle of beer, and waitress nr 1 came two second later and gave us a ohter 2 bottle...)

traditionall dancing

the bar, with the bar keeper (yellow shirt, and also big boss of the taxi union in manali)

the mens drinking area

the young womens are waiting for go to dance

and then the party started

skeptical look from the old womens, wahts going on, on the dancefloor

I was invited for a wedding. Never before i went to a wedding here in India, so i was exited to see this. The main day, was allready gone, so we went only for the festivalday there. Ohh my gosh... so many people dancing, drinking and chatting.

Road builder / Manali


When i come from the market in Manali and go home to Dorje's house, i passing some road builder. Is just incredible how the make the road!! Everything by hand!! Most of them are nepali or tibetan.

Dorje's project

Dorje has a nice idea, he like to buy some land and building to host people. Here in India is nothing exist like in Switzerland a home for old people. Because normaly the family take care of this people. But here in Manali, especial tibetan and nepali people have no one here they care of them.

So Dorje likes to make something about this, that the old, or mentally handicapped person, or just alone people, they dont have a family, have some people around.

There will be some members and staff on this project, my turn as staff was, to take some pictures from the members and from the staff.

I will inform you more, when the project has more detail.

Busride from New Delhi to Manali

Again, i have to leave from the nice Hotel Shangri La. I got myself a ticket for a nice luxurybus (in India is this a Volvo) up to Manali. Should be much better, a ac bus, where the ac runs not like a frigde, no dust, good sleep, because the seat's are fixed and not broken, and silent.

I went to the busstand, there was no hassling to get my actually seatnumber. Because normal, even you have a seatnumber, you have to fight for this, they will give you most time a bad seat, really in the back. We went 2 indians, some less other foreigner (UK, JAP) and the rest of the passenger was young israeli's. They had actually problems to take the seat as written in there ticket. So was quite busy in the bus, but i was thinking once we moving everything calms down, and every one is happy.

On the road, they went constantly to going to speak with the busdriver, because this and that is not good. They went loud, and singing and i think, they was thinking, we alone in the bus. Yes was almost truth. The bus stop for 20min on a stall to drink some chai and eat something. The Israel's needed a special call to enter the bus again, we had to wait for a other 10min, then all went in. Every hour someone of them, or most of them had to go for a pi, (toilet was not there) and smoke a cigarette. So the bus ride was going very long. And of course doring the night, they was singing and chatting like at the daytime. No sleeping for the other's!!

This was not engouh, when we enter the Kullu Valley, the was some landslide, because of the haevy rain during the nighttime. We had to wait, and finally change to a localbus, because the volvobus couldent go further. The localbus tooks us up to manali, but not so fast, because there was so many stops.

But in the end, i got to Manali, and had a nice sleep at Dorje's house.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Mc Leod Ganj

Nachdem Besuch bei Uwe im 5-Star Hotel Shangri La, also schön erholt bestieg ich wieder einmal den Bus. Wieder einmal für um in die Berge zu fahren, und zwar nach Mc Leod Ganj.

Beim Busbahnhof muss man nicht nur schauen dass Mann/Frau den Bus erwischt, man muss sich auch immer verstecken, da die Bettelkinder immer unterwegs sind. Um eine Performance anzubieten, beweglich ist sie ja, das Mädchen, nur meine Finger waren nicht so beweglich um ein paar Rupees frei zu machen. Da ich das organisierte Verbrechen nicht unterstützen will. Da die Kinder das Geld abgeben müssen, an einem "Zuhälter" der dann so richtig Geld macht.

Da ja der Monsoon vor der Haustüre steht, war das Wetter nicht so der Hammer in Mc Leod Ganj, aber wenns mal dann nicht regnete, sah es ganz schön aus. Saftig grün und alles so im Nebel verhangen.

Ich bin ja nach Mc Leod Ganj gekommen, um ein paar tibetische Bücher zu kaufen, die ich in China sicher nicht finden werde. Nein nein nicht politisches, sind nur Mantra´s also Gebetsbücher. Britt war ja auch hier, also in upper Bhagsunag, und absolvierte einen Kurs in tibetischer Massage.

Am Sonntag trafen wir uns dann in Bhagsunag und liefen dann zum Wasserfall.
Bei den Indern, vorallem jetzt bei den zu scharenweise angereisten (sehr aroganten) Punjabis, ist der Wasserfall ein Publikumsmagnet. So gross ist der auch nicht, aber ist halt ein Wasserfall, und dort baden Sie auch, natürlich nur Männer.
Weiter unten, baden die tibetische Mönche und waschen auch die Kleider.

Mc Leod Ganj im Nebel

Mc Leod Ganj im Regen

Mc Leod Ganj im Sonnenschein

Phuntsok mit seiner Tochter, arbeitet im Kailash Restaurant

Fensterputzer bei der Arbeit im Shangri La Hotel, New Delhi